Depending on the payment method, you will usually receive your funds within a few days. If you still haven't received your funds after a few days, please try the following options:
1) Check Funds Status
Go to the withdrawals to check whether the withdrawal has been processed. Visit: "VSTAR app - Account assets - Fund details - Withdrawal " If it says Approved, the funds have been paid and you can click to view the payment method details. In this case, contact the payment provider for more information.
2) Check withdrawal processing date
We always send you an email within 2 working days of your request to confirm the status of your withdrawal. You will receive your funds within a few days from the approval of your withdrawal request. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam or your Withdrawals dashboard .
3) Check submitted information
If you choose to withdraw funds by bank transfer, please ensure that the information entered is correct.
If you still haven’t received the funds after checking the above information please contact our BO department at . We may ask you to provide an official account statement from your bank / payment provider for our investigation. The statement of account should show:
- your full name
- bank / payment provider
- If withdrawals are made to your credit / debit card: all transactions from the date of the last deposit to the present.
- If you withdraw funds by other means: all transactions from the last withdrawal date to the present.
If your withdrawal was processed through bank transfer, we will provide you with a remittance slip.
If you have made a withdrawal request via a credit card / debit card but have not received the money within 10 working days, please contact the BO department at and we will provide you with the ARN number.
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